Fly Fishing: Middle Fork of the American River

Here are some photos of our 2-day trip on the upper section of the Middle Fork American River. We float a total of 12.5 miles of which 8 miles has no access other than by raft. We met the guys in Auburn at 6am.

After packing the personal gear in the dry bags we loaded up and headed to put-in.

The crew.

This brown was caught from shore at camp.

Some rainbow action.

Relax’n at camp.

Looking for some eddy action.

Looking down at Upper Fords Bar.

A Birthday Celebration: 5 Dot Ranch

This year my father (John Hogg) picked up a weekend at The 5 Dot Ranch for a still water Clinic with Doug Oullette, and Ernie, the Crowly Crusher.

On the way up the the lake we stopped on the Truckee River for an evening and morning of short-line nymphing.

Hwy. 80

After a good morning of fishing below the town of Truckee, we packed up the trailer and headed to the lake. The first evening was filled with a meet and greet, and Doug gave us a wonderful presentation on lake fishing and the techniques that he uses.

My conclusion is that I have much to learn about fishing the still water.

A great triploid rainbow I stalked from the the dam.